Wednesday 27 July 2016

Maths Reflection

Maths Reflection

WALT: divide and share things equally.

Today we had a special person come into room 9 and talk to us about fractions. Her name was Ms. Pine. Ms. Pine divided us into groups of four and had given an equation for each group to solve. We got given equations of a number of chocolate bars and children and we had to divide those chocolate bars equally so each child got the same amount as the others.

Our equation: Seven bars to the four children going kayaking.

Solution: We gave each child one whole and we had 3 bars left as the other 4 were given to the four children. We divided the 3 bars into quarters and equally gave each child a piece. At the end we got the answer of ⅓ ( one whole and 3 quarters)
In another form of saying it: 7÷4= 1¾    

Today I contributed by helping my group understand the difference between numbers and how they are named when they are used in fractions.



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