Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Becoming a student councillor!

Last term I was proudly presented as a student councilor. And when I was chosen I had to say a speech at front of the school. And here is my speech :)
Kia ora my name is Te Harangi Tikitiki and I have been given the opportunity to become a student councillor.
When I was told that I need to redeem my attendance I felt butterflies in my stomach like I didn’t have the chance to become what I am today. But because Ms Aireen and Ms Kelly are awesome they knew something could be worked out.
To be standing here and having the feeling of pride in me makes me feel like I have been given more than just a badge. I have been given a second chance, a responsibility, and an unforgettable memory. I would like to thank Ms Kelly and Ms Aireen For giving me the chance to redeem myself and I would also like to thank all the other teachers for the opportunity I have been given.
Every day we get a second chance to climb to what we strive to be. I strive to be that person that leads people around me to the right path. And now that i’m a leader I will always think twice about my actions. And I know that I can be what I want I just have to run through trees and climb up the tallest trees and finally reach my dreams that will become a reality.
Thank you for listening to my speech and for giving me this opportunity. My name is Te Harangi and I am proud to be called a student council.

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