I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson, Ms Naicker and ms Kirkpatrick.
Monday, 8 December 2014
Thursday, 4 December 2014
In the beautiful world where the trees blow there is a country called Rarotonga.
In Rarotonga the water glistens and the coconut palms shake happily in the breeze.
Walking along the beach, the sand pushes itself between my toes while the water gently rolls over my feet.
I feel the heat of the sun on my face.
The green grass shines in the sun while I walk along the beach.
The leaves above me break away and drift on to the ground.
The ocean wind pushes against me as I force myself to keep going. I open a coconut and see my reflection in the wavy milk.
I sit on the beach and watch the sunset make the sky glow bright yellow.
Beautiful Rarotonga
Tuesday, 2 December 2014
Friday, 28 November 2014
When I was a cub I went to the Jade Palace to be trained by Master Shifu. I trained all my life to become the dragon warrior. Then I grew to be a Tiger that was a part of the furious five. Then the day came where Master Oogway is going to chose the dragon warrior. Master Oogway was about to chose me but then a big fat panda fell from the sky. Then Master Oogway chose him. I was so angry. -_-
I went to go stop Tai-Lang from coming to the village. I fighted him I tried my best to stop him. But…...we failed we were trying to do our best. I thought I could beat him. Master Shifu trained him well. Then he got to the village. We all had to go out of the village. I had to leave Master Shifu to fight by himself. But then I noticed a big breeze We all went back to the village.
We all saw Po we saw that he had defeated Tai-Lang. But there was one thing I was wondering. Where was Master Shifu the Po rushed up to the Jade places. 0-0
And when we heard Master Shifu was ok we all celebrated No one was hurt really badly. I felt happiness coming into me. in the dissidents I saw The the Dragon warrior I bowed down to him. I was proud for what he did to save us. He put himself in danger to save us. :0
I thought he couldn't do it I was wrong. He is the Dragon warrior. Master Oogway was right he will give us peace. :3
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
Monday, 24 November 2014
Thursday, 20 November 2014
Monday, 17 November 2014
Thursday, 13 November 2014
Tuesday, 11 November 2014
Technology Evolve
I am learning about the Morse code phone that I saw at the Motat trip. It sends code by clicking on button. I am researching about it and as I research it, I learn more and more.
Wednesday, 5 November 2014
Friday, 24 October 2014
Terms and Conditions
WALT write an explanation success criteria
-Ideas and supporting detail in paragraphs
Terms and conditions
Terms and conditions are the rules of signing up to join something they tell you what to expect and what they want from you.
What can happen?
If you don’t read the terms and conditions and you just click accept They could hurt you badly . They could watch you in a way that you don’t like. Before you get a app or something read what can happen to you. Hackers can hack that app and find all your personal information. Where you live your phone number and your contacts. And if you sign up for something and you're under age that is a bad thing because people can stalk you and find your account they can come and get you at school or home and they can see where you are at all times. They could even block you own account. If you find something you want or a app that you want or a game that is R18. and you play with people online they could also hack your account. Even one day if you give your friend your password to your email or something they can go on it and say to your other friend mean things. That can really hurt them.
Hackers can hack your account by giving them important information by signing up for a app. The people that made that app can see wherever you are but that is only if you got the thing that you have the app on.
Under age
If you are under age and you get something like facebook. And you sign up and you say you 16 but really you're 11. They can came to your house and they can see all your personal information that can lead you to danger.
Thursday, 23 October 2014
Today we are learning about Diwali. Diwali is a Indians celebration it first started when the prince went into the woods and went looking for the devil. When he found the devil he killed him. And the people put up light to represent him in honer. The use the light to bring the good and scare the bad away.
Thursday, 25 September 2014
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
Monday, 22 September 2014
Market day
on this day we had a market day. We made things and sold it. We raised more than $30000 dollars.
Thursday, 18 September 2014
A-Z of the Ocean
On this we are learning to find things that link to the ocean and put it in alphabetical oder
Thursday, 11 September 2014
Wednesday, 10 September 2014
Tuesday, 9 September 2014
Friday, 5 September 2014
Thursday, 4 September 2014
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
Thursday, 28 August 2014
Tuesday, 26 August 2014
Legend Craft
How The Turtle Grew Bigger!
One day in a village far away near a reef lived a young boy called Alex. He went to a river where he found a turtle.
The turtle was suffering from a bad sickness. Alex was frightened of the sickness that the small turtle had, because the small turtle could die.
The boy had to take the turtle to his aunty. She could make a potion so the turtle could get better. After Alex gave the turtle the potion the turtle grew from tiny to big. When it got better, the turtle would be walking around so then the turtle was very healthy. When they were sure he was very better they took him back to the river. But the turtle would some times come to see Alex at the village to say thank you
This is how the turtle grew bigger.
Monday, 25 August 2014
Friday, 22 August 2014
What Does Stingray Mean In Pacific Culture?
Sea creature’s mean different things to different cultures we researched what they represent to pacific cultures.
Wednesday, 20 August 2014
On Target inferencing skillss
For reading I am learning to use inferencing skills to find deeper information. I find clues that the author has left. Then I thought about things that happen in my life. This help me think about the deeper information.
On Target (Leonardo)
by Feana Tu’akoi
Find the information from the text to answer the questions
Why do you think Jase didn't stop to think?
I Think Jase didn’t stop to think Because he didn’t get time to think and he was also annoying to him so then he couldn't think.
What time did the ambulance come?
I Think the ambulance came at 3.10 Because most people had gone home.
Why did everyone stop talking when Jase arrived at school on monday?
I Think they stopped talking Because they were talking about him.
Who were Jases friends in the class?
I Think Sarah and Hemi were his friends Because they were telling Alex to stop complaining.
Why did Alex think Jases aim was not as bad as what he thought is was?
I Think he didn’t think that it wasn't that bad Because it didn’t look that bad.
Thursday, 7 August 2014
*This is catgirl. catgirl is a superhero who helps people that are in trouble. She is one of a kind there is no one like her. She like's black and red put together and she has a collection of swords. She has got a tail and cat eyes she is the best superhero ever.
I think……….T Chart
NAME: Teharangi
TEXT: Inside Mega-Munch
AUTHOR: Alan Bagnall
DATE: 6.8.14
I think….(your reference)
because…..(evidence in text)
I think Nana is big
Because she is stuck in the kids tunnel at Mega Munch.
I think That Nana will struggle
Because she has Trouble with her knees and hips.
I think Nana is old
Because she has trouble with her knees and hips.
I think that The kids Think the Nana is too big to go on the playground
Because she got stuck in the tunnel.
I think that mum thinks that mega munch is unhealthy.
Because she gives them healthy food instead.
I think that Nana is fun
Because she takes the kids to mega munch.
Friday, 1 August 2014
Information report
WALT write an information report.What I know about Seals-Big-Brown or white-Long nose like a fancy shark -Live at zoo/wild-They can be trained-long/fat-They have black eyes-Chubby-fast when in water/slow when on land-Cute-friendly-They eat squid, fish What do they look like?: Seals They are friendly mammal. They are cute and chubby like a big fat panda. It has a long nose like a fancy shark but more like a dolphin. They are brown if they are an adult seal. And if They are white they are little baby seals. And they have black eyes. A seal is just like a elephant seal. A elephant seal has a long brown nose. They are big and fat like a normal seal. Seals do attic you if you go near there paps or if there wild hungry families. But the one that live at the zoo are mostly friendly.
Diet: Seals eat squid and Fish. They also eat crustaceans and molluscs. A crustaceans is a lobster, crab or a shrimp. So it is a sea creature with a shell on the outside. And they do not eat people.
Monday, 28 July 2014
Wednesday, 23 July 2014
Thursday, 3 July 2014
Tuesday, 1 July 2014
Friday, 13 June 2014
Thursday, 12 June 2014
Tuesday, 10 June 2014
We are learning to write explanations in different ways. We wrote a scripped.
Volcano eruption
Friday, 6 June 2014
Wednesday, 28 May 2014
Why do we have fun?
Why Do We Have Fun?
Fun is a feeling we get when we are enjoying ourselves with other people or doing something we like.
People need to have fun for a lot of reasons. Some people like to have fun so they can create good memories. Some people like to have fun so they can keep herself or himself happy. Maybe they like to have fun to make new friends. Fun can help you form new friends.
People can have fun by playing games like sports, tag and making up games. Using their creative ideas and using their imagination.
We can have fun at a place in the community that has been built for having fun. We can have fun at the park, pools, school and the skatepark. In fact we can have fun anywhere. Fun is usually about who you’re with rather than, where you are.
People need to have fun to make yourself happy.
We can do it with our friends, family and yourself.
We can do it with our friends, family and yourself.
Thursday, 15 May 2014
Wednesday, 7 May 2014
Monday, 5 May 2014
Tuesday, 15 April 2014
Thursday, 10 April 2014
Friday, 4 April 2014
Friday, 28 March 2014
Thursday, 20 March 2014
Monday, 17 March 2014
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